Sebagai salah satu Keynote speaker dalam International Conference on Islam, Community Engagemant and Modernity, 30-31/10/2019, yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, maka saya mendapatkan tema tentang Dakwah in Social Media. Sesuai dengan tema ini, maka saya menyampaikan paper dengan judul “Moderation of Religion: Preaching Friendly Islam in the Milenial Era”. Sebuah judul yang saya kira sangat relevan dengan tuntutan dakwah yang seharusnya memperhatikan terhadap generasi milenial yang kelak tentu akan menggantikan para seniornya di dalam tampuk berbangsa, bernegara dan bermasyarakat. Keberhasilan generasi masa lalu, adalah memerdekakan Indonesia dari para penjajah dan kemudian menitipkannya kepada generasi baby boomer dan kelak negeri ini akan dititipkan kepada generasi milenial yang sekarang sedang berada di era industry 4.0.
Ada tiga konsep yang saya jelaskan di dalam conference ini. Pertama, kita sedang menghadapi gelombang peningkatan pemahaman dan pengamalan agama yang luar biasa. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan semakin banyak orang berduyun-duyun melakukan shalat jamaah, khususnya shalat subuh. Setahun yang lalu, terdapat informasi di media sosial, bahwa salah satu kekuatan mengapa Turki maju pesan di bawah kepemimpinan Erdogan adalah karena masyarakatnya melakukan gerakan shalat jamaah. Kala itu saya datang ke Turki dan saya tanya kepada kawan-kawan di Turki, “apakah benar ada gerakan masyarakat shalat jamaah shubuh,” maka dinyatakan “setahu saya tidak ada”.
Orang juga semakin mengidentifikasi dirinya menjadi muslim dengan outward appearance, misalnya penggunaan jilbab dan pakaian muslim lainnya. Makanya produksi dan butik yang menjajakan pakaian muslim juga luar biasa. Zoya, Elzatta, Keke, dan shafira adalah produsen-produsen pakaian muslim yang sangat terkenal di Indonesia. semakin meningkatnya pemahaman dan pengamalan agama tentu juga terkait dengan dakwah Islam yang mesti dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keberagamaan mereka.
Kedua, dakwah Islam sesungguhnya memiliki tantangan yang tidak sedikit. We have many challenges for facing about the internal and external factor for moderation of religions. We have two challenges, 1) about the development of information technology. We are now in the Industrial revolution 4.0 with the artificial intelligent as a tool for many affairs. In the next we must involve in this era, like or dislike. We are in the era “the death of expertise”. Guru, dosen and also kyai or ulama have many challenges in this era. The function of teacher, ulama and another can be replaced by the artificial intelligent. For that, we have to face this situation by empowering our capability or improving our collaboration in order to have succeeding a good condition in our community or society. 2) to face radicalism. We know the movement of radicalism is growing in this era. Many cases they attack the government and community or facility of government. Their understanding of religious hard line, and not agree with the moderate religion and also their vision for making the Khilafah movement, so they was enemy of government in this governmental administration. Indonesia as nation state that base on Pancasila did not tolerate to this movement. For that, the state apparatus and the alumni of UIN in Indonesia, especially UIN Sunan Ampel must be an agent for facing the radicalism movement. Not only the state apparatus but also the social and religious movement and the society at all. They must struggle the radicalism movement in order to make stable this country at all.
Ketiga, Salah satu konsep penting dalam dakwah Islam ialah mendakwahkan Islam ramah, yang kemudian diterjemahkan menjadi “Friendly Islam”. Islam ramah berisi substansi ajaran Islam yang memang diturunkan kepada manusia agar kehidupan di dunia menjadi damai dan selamat. Secara substansial, Islam mengajarkan kerahmatan kepada seluruh umat manusia. Islam di Indonesia, hakikatnya adalah Islam yang memiliki jaringan dengan Timur Tengah, bukan Islam yang baru. Islam yang memiliki system peribadahan dan system keyakinan yang “sama” dengan sumber aslinya, hanya saja pada outward appearance yang ditampilkannya bisa jadi berbeda.
Di tengah generasi milenial yang memiliki ciri khas khusus tersebut, para da’I harus melakukan dakwah yang ramah dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. We are facing the young generation with very strong knowledge and behavior in Information technology. They are the future generation who will continue the struggle of Islam for the nation and state. The future of religion, nation and country is very dependent on young people. They will replace the leadership of religion, nation and state in the coming era. Therefore, Da’wah must be set up with the use of excellent technology.
Selain itu kita juga harus mencermati hoaks di dalam media sosial. I think hoax must be stopped. And the person who have a good position for stop the hoax is da’i. the lecturer, the student and the alumni of dakwah Faculty and Communication is the first person who have activity for stop hoax. Nothing good in hoax and hoax is one of the characteristic of Cyber War in the era of Proxy War. And we all know that the aim of hoax is character assassination, hate speech, etc. we all must have the media literation. In my opinion, that all of the student is learned by the topic of media literation with the goal is how to understand and do with information technology.
Dakwah hakikatnya adalah untuk kehidupan manusia dalam berbagai aspeknya. There are many Da’wah who identify themselves with economic empowerment, mosque management, management assistance, medical or therapeutic media and also religious counseling. Human resource tools (HR) are also becoming more complete, for example there are economists, community development experts, communication experts, information technology experts and so on.
I think what is needed now is to build a network for the Da’wah program so that Islamic Da’wah implementation will be more efficient. It is not the time for a preacher to play alone in this era. There must be collaboration across scientific disciplines, for example with experts in the field of information technology, social media experts, information technology application experts, communication experts, and so on, both institutionally and individually
This collaboration is of course to develop Da’wah mapping, Da’wah packaging, Da’wah broadcasting, community empowerment and also strengthening the religious diversity of the people to nationalism and nationality. Da’wah must be multitasking in its human resources, and also varies in terms of the content and message, and aims to prosper and make the people happy.
Wallahu a’lam bi al shawab.