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Prof. Dr. Nur Syam, M.Si

(My Official Site)


Asslamau alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

Bismillahirrahmanir rahim. Assalamu alaikum waragmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Bismillah alhamdulilah wa ashalatu wa assalamu ‘ala rasulilah wa la haula wala quwwata illa billah. Amma ba’du

First of all I would like to say Syukur Alhamdulillah to Allah Subhanahu wataala, because by His tawfiq, hidayah and inayah, we can meet here for IDB appraisal program. Shalawat and Salam to The Prophet  Muhammad SAW, because of His guidance, we enjoy the the Islamic religion until now.

Ladies and gentlemen

In this moment, let me say, thanks you very much for all of you, especially for Mr. Abdi Abdillahi and Mr.  Faruq, the delegate of IDB Mission, then Mr. Sugito and Bu Andri from Mora, then the delegate of Ministry of Finance, then the delegate of Bappenas, and also thanks for the vice rectors, the Dean, the vice dean, the member of Senates, the lecturers, and all of the audiences that I can’t mention of all.

For Mr. Abdi Abdillahi, I would like to acknowledge our staff of IAIN Sunan Ampel. Especially the vice rector and the dean of our faculties. Mr. Prof. Abdul A’la is vice rector for academic affairs, Mr. Prof, Abdul Haris is vice rector of general administration and finance, Mr. Prof. Ahmad Saiful Anam is vice rector of student and networking affairs. Al we have five deans, Mr. Dr. Harisuddin is the dean of Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Dr. Aswadi is the dean of Faculty of Dakwah and Social Sciences, Mr. Dr. Masum Nur Alim is dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy,  Mr. Dr. Faishol Haq is the Dean of Faculty of Syariah and Islamic Economy and Mr. Dr. Nurhamim is the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education.     

Ladies and gentlemen

And I would like to acknowledge all of the candidate of Project management Unit (PMU) of IAIN Sunan Ampel. First and very important is Mr. Ahmad Zaini,  the chief of PMU, Mr. Kemal as the secretary of PMU, Mr. Yusuf,  Mr. Chabib Musthofa as the member of PMU, Mr. Room Fitriyanto, and Mrs.  Evy Luailik as the member of PMU.

I am very happy today, because of the coming of Pak Abdi Abdillahi and Pak Faruq to IAIN Sunan Ampel. I think only by the hidayah Allah swt, we can meet in this area to appraisal of development of IAIN Sunan Ampel by the aid of Islamic Development Bank (IDB).  I would like to mention my speech in the kick of meeting last week in Bappenas, that that if we want to be as UIN Malang, UIN Jogyakarta, UIN Jakarta, UIN Riau, UIN Makasar,  so we need 70 years, especially for equaling their physical construction. Why, because we have only 5 billion rupiah for improvement of construction in every year.

 So if we want to build the construction like those UIN we need a very  long time.  So that, I need of the scheme of IDB program for developing IAIN Sunan Ampel. I remember, in an event  Prof. Azyumardi Azra said in one symposium in Jakarta that the achievement of UIN Jakarta is beyond believes.  He acknowledges that IDB is behind the development. And the other of rector of UIN,  I think have the thinking like that. I go to UIN Riau and UIN of Makassar and I know the development of that campus. It was very good, especially in the  construction and also like that the UIN Yogyakarta and Jakarta.

Because of that, Mr. Abdi Abdillahi, all of the civitas academica of IAIN Sunan Ampel, needs your touch for development of IAIN Sunan Ampel in order to be the same with the other university under the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA), and the other university in Ministry of Education (MONE). I believe if IAIN Sunan Ampel can change to the university and find the budgeting scheme of IDB, so IAIN Sunan Ampel will develop as the other university. We have potent to do the best. And that is depend for all of us and all of our effort.

Ladies and gentlemen

Now, I would like to acknowledge of our institution.  IAIN Sunan Ampel has five faculties and doctorate program.  It was Faculty of Adab with 4 study programs, study program of Arabic letters, The History of Islamic culture, Indonesian Language, English Letters and  Islamic library in planning.  Then faculty of dakwah with seven study programs. It is study program of communications, sociology, psychology, communications and Islamic preaching, Islamic guidance and counseling, management of dakwah, and  Islamic community development. Then faculty of Syariah, we have four study programs, it is  study program of Ahwalusy Syahsiyah (private law), Siyasah Jinayah, Muamalah and Islamic economy. Then faculty of Tarbiyah with the study program like  Islamic education, Islamic leadership and education, Arabic education, Madrasah Teacher education, Madrasah diniyah teacher education, Dual Mode Program, Mathematic education and English education.  Then faculty of ushuluddin with the study program of Islamic theology and philosophy, religious studies and religious comparative and Islamic politics and tafsir and hadits.

Ladies and gentlemen

As I said in Kick off meeting, that we want to be as UIN in the next time. The proposal of that was finished and I will send that proposal to Jakarta, I mean MORA and the other departments in the late of October 2010. If there is no problem seriously, I believe that in 2012 we will become the university. For that we will add at least  three faculties, Faculty of Science and technology with study program of mathematic, biology, physics, chemist, information technology   and civil technology, then faculty of social science with the study program of  sociology, psychology, communications,

And the faculty of health with the study program of  nutrition and health and study program of  nursing.

I think that all of desire can implied by the supporting  inside and outside of institution and as Prof. Azyumardi Azra that  IDB is behind of the succeeding. Because of that Pak Abdi Abdillahi, we need you not only in the development of IAIN Sunan Ampel it self but for the Islamic community in all. I pray to my God that He will bless you and your family and also to Pak Faruq.

Ladies and gentlemen

As the end, I would like to say thanks for IDB delegate, Field Representative IDB Indonesia, MORA, MOF, Bappenas, and also to all of the staff of IAIN Sunan Ampel.  God will give us the blessing.

Syukran katsiran bihudurikum

Hadanallahu wa iyyakum ajma’in

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

Categories: Opini