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Prof. Dr. Nur Syam, M.Si

(My Official Site)


Yesterday, Friday, October 16, 2010, I involved in the Kick off Meeting for IDB program. In this meeting, I must give the speech for the development of IAIN Sunan Ampel. This paper is my short speech for that program.

Bismillahirrahmanir rahim. Assalamu alaikum waragmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Bismillah alhamdulilah wa ashalatu wa assalamu ‘ala rasulilah wa la haula wala quwwata illa billah. Amma ba’du
First of all I would like to say Syukur Alhamdulillah to Allah Subhanahu wataala, because by His tawfiq, hidayah and inayah, we can meet here for kick off meeting proceeding IDB appraisal program. Shalawat and Salam to The Prophet Muhammad SAW, because of His guidance, we enjoy the ukhuwah Islamiyah and ukhuwah basyariyah until now.

Ladies and gentlemen
In this moment, I would like to say my gratitude, especially to Mr. Dewobroto from Bappenas (national development planning body) and Mr. Zainal Arifin, for the invitation to this kick off meeting. I would like also express my gratitude to Mr. Abdi Abdillah with his colleagues, the delegate of IDB, then to Mr, Makhlani, field Representative of IDB Indonesia, than Mr. Taufiq Hanafi, The Directur of Religion and Education Bappenas, Than Prof. Machasin,The Directur of Islamic Higher Education, Mr. Sugito and Bu Andri from MORA and all audience. I am sorry, I can’t mention the name all of you.

Ladies and gentlemen
Officially IAIN Sunan Ampel was established by decree of Minister of Religious Affairs on the 31st of October 1961, that is about 49 years ago.
As institute of Islamic Studies, we have 24 study programs. In detailed was 7 study programs of pure Islamic studies, 5 study program of Social and Humanities, and 12 study programs of Islamic studies multidisciplinary. For that we have 431 lecturers and 253 non teaching staff. We have program undergraduate and post graduate. Until now, the alumni of doctoral program is 76 doctors.
Ladies and gentlemen

Now Our status is as Badan Layanan Umum (BLU) or Public Service Unit since last year which allows us to a degree of flexibility in financial management has motivated us to deliver better services in term of academic and administrative to our faithful stakeholders, the students. This status will drive us toward the creation of high quality of education services which in turn enables us to compete in education market worldwide.

We have 40 local and international partners. These networking partners comprises of higher education institutions, NGOs, local provincial and district governments, and profit organizations with similar mission to ours. Of our overseas partners, we have conducted several programs on capacity building, seminars and conferences.

By the support of all the staff, it has led IAIN Sunan Ampel to be listed as internationally acknowledged university. In this month our position increases at 6023. In Indonesia, we have rank 48 of 2300 Higher Education. This rank is the highest of all Islamic higher education institutions in Indonesia. I think that it is a good achievement of our IAIN Sunan Ampel.

Ladies and gentlemen
In many occasions, I usually say to my staffs, lecturers, students, dean and vice dean that if we want to be as UIN Malang, UIN Jogyakarta, UIN Jakarta, UIN Riau, UIN Makasar, so we need 70 years, especially for equaling their physical construction. Why, because we have only 5 billion rupiah for improvement of construction in every year. So if we want to build the construction like those UIN we need a very long time. So that, I need of the scheme of IDB program for developing IAIN Sunan Ampel. I remember, in an event Prof. Azyumardi Azra said in one symposium in Jakarta that the achievement of UIN Jakarta is beyond believes. He acknowledges that IDB is behind the development.

Because of that Mr Abdi Abdillahi, we are happy by your visit to Jakarta and later to Surabaya for the appraisal of IDB project in IAIN Sunan Ampel. I believe that by your programs, IAIN Sunan Ampel can keep up with the other UIN only in a few years. And I will inform you that IAIN Sunan Ampel will also become UIN. So, we must add at least 3 faculties; that is faculty of science and technology, faculty of health, faculty of Social and Humanities. By your scheme of program, we will certainly improve the quality of our lecturers, the quality of constructions and facilities, the quality of process of learning and finally quality of our students.

Ladies and gentlemen
And for detailed information, I think it is better for Pak Zaini, the candidate of PMU, to explain about that.Thanks you very much, and hadanallahu wa iyyakum ajma’in.
Wassalamu alaikum wr.wb.


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