Prof. Dr. Nur Syam, M.Si

(My Official Site)


Pagi ini, Senin, 10/05/10, saya diminta untuk membuka acara yang diselenggarakan oleh English Language Training for Islamic School (ELTIS) Surabaya yang bekerja sama dengan Direktorat Mapenda Kementerian Agama dalam rangka untuk membangun kemampuan para guru madrasah di seluruh Indonesia. IAIN Sunan Ampel dipilih untuk menjadi tempat penyelenggaraan training ini dengan pertimbangan bahwa IAIN Sunan Ampel telah memiliki sejumlah master’s trainers yang memadai dan juga fasilitas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang cukup baik. Acara ini diikuti oleh sejumlah guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Tsanawiyah dan Aliyah. Berikut ini adalah pengantar saya dalam acara tersebut.

Good morning, Ladies and gentleman, especially my honorable guest.

Mr Prof. Saiful Anam, Vice Rector of Student Affairs and Networking, Mrs. Dr. Yuliati and Mrs. Irma Soraya, Med.,  and all of the participant of this program.

First of all I would like to say thanks for all of you. I was very happy to meet you in this meeting. I feel that all of you can find the blessing from Allah. I believe that. And I would like to say welcome to IAIN Sunan Ampel at Surabaya. This is the campus of IAIN Sunan Ampel. Not very good in physical construction but very qualified in academic affairs and also in the services for student. Include   all of you.  I say that the qualification of academic is very good because we have 30 professors in various subject of sciences, we have 60 PhD in various subject of sciences. We  have sixth rank for amount of students in  Islamic higher education in Indonesia, after UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Jogyakarta, UIN Alauddin Makassar and UIN Syarif Kasim Riau. And very importance to give you the information that only IAIN Sunan Ampel in Islamic Higher Education under Ministery of Religious Affairs had a rank in World Class University by the Webometric  ranking. We have 57 rank in higher education in Indonesia and in the university of the world and  we have 7717 rank. I was so happy because we are the first of Islamic higher education which have the rank of world Class University.

Ladies and gentleman

The present of English Language Training for Islamic Schools (ELTIS) in our institution was very important and also very urgent. Because of the ELTIS’s   program, so many madrasah can be improved and developed. Many teachers can be involved in the program of ELTIS for guiding himself in the improving quality of teaching.

We know that the quality of our madrasah is not good. Not only  the qualification of student and physical construction but also the qualification of teacher. Many teachers were only the alumni of pesantren. And we know that the weakness of alumni of pesantren is about the methodology of teaching. For that,   we need many programs for improving the qualification of teacher, especially on the profession of methodology of teaching.

Many assumption of the people that they placed of the madrasah  in the second strata.  The first strata was the general education, for example State Elementary School, State Secondary School and State High School. This assumption is not false in the perspective of qualification of education. Only few of madrasah can be mentioned as the good education. But majority is bad.

For answering this challenge, we must develop our institution in order to achieve the good quality classification. To be a good quality, so the first requisite is the quality of the teacher. Man behind the gun. The curriculum maybe is good, the infrastructure maybe is good too. And the financial for education is enough, but if the quality of teacher is not good, so the quality of institution in general is bad. Good or bad the quality of institution, especially for the quality of student in many ways depend on the qualification of teacher. The good teacher can make the innovation for the teaching. They can make the bad source of students to be a good student.

Ladies and gentleman

Now we live in the global era. For that, one of the important things to face is the proficiency in the other language, especially English language. If we want to be a part of modernization and globalization, so we need the language of global era. And we know English language is the first choice.

The capability of English language is something urgent now. If we want to make the relation between one and another, especially the people from abroad, we must understand any more about their language. There is no choice. We must understand the global language.

We are happy because we have chance and opportunity to improve and develop our capability in English. A chance and opportunity for taking  capability in English not only for our self but in general for our student. We are a teacher and the best moral for teacher if we are thinking about  the impact of  teaching for our student. If many students succeed in their life,  so  we feel  happier. The succeeding teacher is the succeeding student at all.

Ladies and gentleman.

ELTIS is one of the organization that it supported for the dynamics of the learning process, especially for the English teaching in our madrasah.  By ELTIS we have new experience in English teaching. By ELTIS,  many lecturer had the Cambridge certificate. And by thus certificate we have a pride as a teacher in English. We have self confidence. Because of that, by this time I would like to say thanks a lot for Mrs. Caroline and her team, by her patient and support  so we have the improving of our madrasah and  also our capability in English. We hope that God will give her an enough  blessing.

In short, once again thank you very much. Insyaallah we will meet again in the other project.

Have a good day, and good morning.


Categories: Opini